Why fashion & lifestyle
brands use our platform
brands use our platform
Find and hire creative talent faster, easier and more cost efficient.
Save time and effort. Find your entire creative team, all in one place.
Get more for your money. Spend less hiring on EQLS platform than via traditional agencies.
Sign up for free. Only pay a small fee when you make a booking
How it Works
Create purposeful content with high
level talent that fits your budget
Browse world class photographers, stylists, makeup artists and more. Use filters to narrow down your search.
Use filters, view artist portfolios within your search frame and find your perfect match.
Book online, send details in minutes and discuss details with creative talent directly via the platform.
Hire a single creative or your entire team. Manage your bookings and make payments securely through our system.
For creatives
Build your network and create your best work for brands that match your style. Stay in control of your finances and work on your own terms
An international network of fashion professionals
Expert support at your fingertips
Exclusive access to EQLS events